Sunday, November 29, 2009

Textbook Traitors

This is one awesome hardcore screamo band thats from Milwaukee. Super harsh vocals, chaotic instruments, all the good stuff.

Monday, November 16, 2009


A straight up skramz band from California. Definitely have an aggressive tone but still very melodic at parts. "Stevemom" is probably my favorite track, plus "nu nu" has a big lebowski sample in it so you know its awesome. Good Shiat!!

Loma Prieta

Been a week since I last posted and I am very sorry, so to make it up, here is one incredibly stupendous band. They have an intense sound on Last City but Dark Mountain is a little more melodic. enjoy!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Antilles are from Ohio. They play really cool screamo with some small elements of post-rock, they remind me a lot of City of Caterpillar. I should be seeing these guys the 28th of December with Castavet and Grown-ups so I'm psyched. I'll probably pick up their self-titled LP and update this post than!



Split w/ Mountain Asleep

Mountain Asleep

Mountain Asleep are a punky hardcore band from Louisville Kentucky. They play really fun and energetic music with some of the most uplifting lyrics ever.


Hello, Anxious

Tour Demo '09

Split w/ Antilles

Monday, November 9, 2009

Robot Whales

Thought I''d maybe put something other than skramz up. This is a hardcore punk band from New Jersey. I dont know if they are still around but i dont think they are, unfortunately. I enjoy them quite a bit.

Suis La Lune

Super awesome screamo band from sweden. These guys have really cool melodies in their songs. My personal favey is "this heart easily tears".

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Optimus Prime

Another really epic and intense screamo band. Optimus Prime are from Russia and to my knowledge have only two releases, a self-titled CD, that is a live show and a split with Gone With the pain. The self titled is a lot more straight forward while the split has them exploring a bit more and is my favorite of the two. It reminds me of I would Set Myself on Fire for You at times especially with the viola. Anyways hope you check these guys out they're super good.




Saturday, November 7, 2009

I Wrote Haikus About Cannibalism In Your Yearbook

Another band i feel obligated to post. I Wrote Haikus About Cannibalism In Your Yearbook were probably the first screamo band that I really fell in love with, unfortuantly they broke up, but they released a discography LP soooo all is not bad I suppose. The music is extremely passionate without being cheesy like certain bands. I'm going to include their discography and 8 song demo even though you can get it from their myspace or really any other blog.

8 Song Demo


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Slingshot Dakota


Keener Sighs

Their Dreams Are Dead, But Ours Is The Golden Ghost

Demo 2009

This duo is quite possibly one of my favorite bands of all time. I think its unfair that they're always compared to Mates of States and Matt & Kim, since besides the instrumentation they have nothing in common with those bands. These two are so fun to see live you can just tell that they love what they're doing. Their lyrics are soo empowering also this music always makes me feel better no matter what mood i'm in. Please check these two out and if they play a show anywhere near you go!!!

An Embrace of Angels

The Graceful Art Of Failure

Ere January Be Unwintered

An Embrace of Angels started a while back with crude songs and a lot of different lineups. Late in the fall/early winter of 2001 An Embrace of Angels started practicing and writing the songs that eventually became the album “…The Graceful Art of Failure…” which was recorded in 2002. They continued playing shows around southern Minnesota for the following year and began writing new material. They recorded these new songs on the album “‘Ere January Be Unwintered” in April of 2003.

These guys are pretty good screamo. I included the album art and booklet for Ere January Be Unwintered. I'm pretty sure these guys are christian, which is a little odd for their genre. They remind me a lot of Saetia in how they balance really clean melodic parts with heavier parts.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Age Sixteen

Open Up Finders, Please

Summer 2009 Demo

These guys are some of the best screamo/emo I've ever heard and I'm sure you've heard of them as they're getting pretty recognized. They're looking for a drummer right now and I think they are going to be putting a split 7" out with Wren Lloyd and I think they have a SDRE cover that is coming out. Anyways this is the first post on the blog so I figured it should be from my favorite band.

Lion of the North

Unfortunately, another defunct screamo band. Really good stuff. I wish there was more but at least we are left with some great songs.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Chinese Dama

Some Italian Skramz thats really quite good. cant understand any of the lyrics but what does that matter.


Chinese Dama - Chinese Dama


There aren't enough words to express how phenomenal this band is. They are easily in my top faves. The riffs and the chanting is just sooooo good. Must have for sure!


Calculator - Arguments

Monday, November 2, 2009

Touche Amore

Super pumped cause these guys are coming in a couple of weeks. Heaviest thing i've posted so far. The songs are usually short but sweet. Heres their Ep and their demo. enjoy!


Guess I should start where most do. This is one very legit screamo band. they are probably the most known ever. Good stuff. my fave song is Venus and Bacchus cause its like flat out banshee screams. toodles!

caP'n Jazz

They are seriously one of the best bands ever! If you don't like them then you should probably stay away from this blog. They are one of the first emo bands and they are excellent!